Monday, January 22, 2007

Screw eating right and exercise, you can still live for 1,000 years

The BBC is reporting that with all our modern day pharmaceutical knowledge and advancements in medicine, life expectancy could dramatically increase to 1,000 years of age. The crazy part, this could happen within the next 20 years. So all those people that exercise and "eat right" you can now make fun of, since they aren't doing a damn thing that will allow them to live longer then you.

There has been a project called the SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) that has been aimed at preventing aging.

From BBC:
It is not just an idea: it's a very detailed plan to repair all the types of molecular and cellular damage that happen to us over time.

And each method to do this is either already working in a preliminary form (in clinical trials) or is based on technologies that already exist and just need to be combined.

This means that all parts of the project should be fully working in mice within just 10 years and we might take only another 10 years to get them all working in humans.

The funny thing is that since this will stop us from dying naturally, we will all meet the grim reaper in a much worse way. Like falling off a cliff, being shot, cancer, hit by a car, basically all the ways people fear dying. At least causes of death will become more entertaining. Also, since there are more people alive today then have ever been alive in all of history, this could cause some population problems.

And since the BBC likes to irresponsibly throw around false hope, I leave you with this line they chose to write:

I think the first person to live to 1,000 might be 60 already.

Of course condsidering there are more people alive today then have ever been alive in all of history, this could cause some population problems.

Read the whole thing at BBC

I'm Back

Sorry about not posting for the last couple of days. I was getting my ass kicked by the common cold. So posting will start to resume at a normal pace. But probably over the next few days as I have to play catch up at work.